Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Break Fun-Day 1

Harrison was feeling much better today! Therefore, we ventured out to our favorite Saturday morning hangout...breakfast at Panera with our friends, Jaime, Denise, and Lexi. It is always an adventure. (Note to Panera Corporate-EVERYONE loves the souffles! You should ALWAYS have them in stock! Especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings!) Maddy took most of these pictures. Look out James!

Notice Jaime, Harrison and me trying to get in the picture for Maddy. She needs to work on her aim.

Here is the budding photographer! Great smile!

As you can see it was a fun morning. As soon as we got in the car to run an errand, this was the scene...

(Yes, the princess is wearing a crown)

Later in the day we visited Miss Julie, our favorite hair dresser. There are mornings when I literally chase Harrison around the house with a spray bottle of water and a brush to tame his hair. He absolutely HATES getting his hair brushed! But he LOVES Miss Julie and will hold perfectly still for her while she sprays, cuts, blows, buzzes, brushes, or whatever! I'm not sure what spell she puts on him, but I must learn it! Yes, he always has this serious look on his face while in the chair. I think it is the "spell".


Denise said...

We always enjoy our Panera outings, even when the grown-ups don't get a chance to actually talk.

Danna said...

Great! We will also go hiking that day when we go to see Thomas to Franklin Falls. See... I am on it for the Seattle family planning deal. HUGS