Sunday, March 16, 2008

Freezing "Spring" Break-Day 2-TNT Workout Day

I have HAD it with winter!!! And, if the weather forecasters in this town don't start gettting it close, I'm going to lose it! Today was forecasted to be 53 degrees Fahrenheit, but as I pulled in to El Dorado Lake for my Team In Training four hour workout, the outside thermometer on my car read 40 degrees! Pair the cold temperature with the killer cold wind on a bike and you've got one long workout! So, to "warm up" our coach, Sharyn, had us run up and down the levy at the lake. The above photo was taken right before we left to run (the first time). We thought we were cold at this point, but once we got on the bikes, this seemed warm.

You'll notice the pre-workout team meeting taking place in Sharyn's warm SUV....
My Plan was to take lots of pictures today, but I couldn't think of anything but keeping warm after we got started, therefore, I forgot all about my camera. I'll try again on the next team training day. Pray for sun and warm temperatures! Travis, our cycling coach, came prepared. He probably is outfitted in $400 in special cycling gear for cold days. (Biking is expensive!)
The good news is KU beat that nasty team with Longhorns in the Big 12 Championship game today! Bad news was they also beat my Aggies on Saturday.
While I was off running and biking, Maddy and Harrison spent some quality time with Grandma Vicky and Great Grandma Fry. Now, all three of us are worn out and ready for an early bed time!
Are ya'll excited to see a blog every day? I'm trying to be really good this week since I have lots of extra time on my hands. Check daily! There is more to come.


Unknown said...

Travis is bragging over on his blog that he just ran a half marathon ... on a treadmill! I think you need to go over and straighten him out!

Danna said...

Hi Amy,
I am watching everyday. I am tired of the winter too and I haven't even had to handle what you have this year. Hugs