Monday, January 21, 2008

Weekend Fun

After a crazy week, it was nice to just hang out with the kids and have some fun. We visited Great Grandma's house this weekend. She got out the dominoes, which Harrison and Maddy enjoyed putting up and knocking down over and over again! Harrison laughed so hard! Ahhh, simple pleasures!

One of the nice things about the weekends is sleeping in late. Shown below is the small zoo of animals that Harrison has to sleep with each night. Since he is my early riser each morning, he comes into my room to get in bed with me and snuggle. This is one of my favorite things about the weekends. However, you'll notice that one of the items that he likes to sleep with is a plastic snake! Yes, a plastic snake accompanies him to bed each night. When Harrison makes his trek into my room, he brings ALL of these guys with him! So, I awoke Sunday morning to two warm snuggle buddies (Maddy too), a fish, a car, a dog, a bear, and a plastic snake! Good morning!

1 comment:

Danna said...

Hi Amy,
Sometimes I am surprised to have Riley next to me in the morning. He is almost falling off the bed to be there. I carefully turn over holding on to him so he doesn't fall. It is an exercise... counts as an activity, no doubt. It is my favorite part of the weekends too. Dave taught the boys to "dog pile". Thanks Dave.