Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day!

I can always tell the night before when we are going to have a snow day. So, last night I was really lazy and didn't prepare for a school day like I normally would. I didn't make lunches, nor did I lay out my clothes. So, I was a little nervous this morning when my school didn't show as being "closed" right away! I almost started to panic, but then, ahhhhhh, relief! School was CANCELLED!

I totally bummed around all day in my p.j.'s until Maddy, Harrison and I could stand it no more. The snow was calling. It wasn't exactly the best packing snow, so our snowman didn't happen. Instead, we settled on a snow volcano, complete with dinosaurs!

Now, here it is 8:00 p.m. and I still don't have lunches made or my clothes set out for tomorrow. However, I don't think school is going to be cancelled again. Time to get out of "snow day" mode! It was fun while it lasted.

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