Friday, December 14, 2007

Hitting the wall already!

I've gotten so much positive feedback from all my friends and family on this blog. Many thanks! I've been producing a nice diary of the last few days, but my laptop is not cooperating with my camera. Therefore, today's post is without pictures at this point. I'll talk to some of my techy friends and figure this whole mess out soon.

Basically, it's been "Party-Central" around here. Between Christmas parties and Harrison's 3rd birthday, we've been visiting with family and friends nonstop! (Here is where photos would be great!) There are more coming this weekend!

Sorry for the photo-less post. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Harrison! You're right; if there was ever a blog that called for photos, this is it.

I absolutely love this time of year. We had our open house last night, then I went to this SMPS party at the Shadow. Open bar at both (and yes, I am paying for it today). I must have met 50 people last night.

Is there a job where you just go out and meet people at parties every night?